You can do it.



Our Vocational Training Centre for Adults provides a very valuable service to some of our community’s most marginalized citizens. Many of our clients have led challenging and tough lives. We provide a second home, many times a well needed meal and a family-style caring environment that has an individual and group effect. We are also an ADAP agency. ADAPT is a program that provides long-term care clients appropriate opportunities to learn skills in centre or community based settings. Our staff is comprised of caring and compassionate professionals passionately offering quality care and guidance to our adult clients, as well as putting a smile on their faces every day. We’ve been fortunate to provide this service to our community since 1973 and our resolve continues. As the world of community living continues to evolve in a positive direction, it is more imperative than ever to build Social Enterprise that can continue to not only support our Centre but to provide jobs for our clients. I am sure you can imagine what an impact this has on the lives of those who have been told what they “cannot” do rather than what they can achieve through participation. It lifts the human spirit, creates confidence and immensely grows self-esteem so that we ALL can aspire to live our best life!